Self Archiving Policy


A pre-print is the author’s version of the article before peer review has taken place.

Prior to acceptance for publication, author(s) retain the right to make a Pre-Print of their Article available on any of the following

  • their own personal, self-maintained website
  • a legally compliant pre-print server such as but not limited to arXiv and bioRxiv

Once the Article has been published, the Author(s) should update the acknowledgment and provide a link to the definitive version on the website of JSMC.

“This is a pre-print of an article published in the Journal of Saidu Medical College [Year, Volume number, Issue Number]. The final authenticated version is available online at:[insert DOI]”.


AAM is the version accepted for publication in a journal following peer review but prior to copyediting and typesetting.  

Author(s) retain the right to make an AAM of their Article available immediately on acceptance, without any embargo period, on any of the following

  • on their own personal, self-maintained website
  • their employer’s internal website
  • their institutional and/or funder repositories

After publication, an acknowledgment in the following form should be included, together with a link to the published version on the JSMC website:

“This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in the Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute [Year, Volume number, Issue Number]. The final authenticated version is available online at:[insert DOI]”.


Published article is the version published (online/print) in a journal following peer review, copyediting, and typesetting.  

Author(s) retain the right to share/disseminate the published article without any embargo period, by any means including twitter, scholarly collaboration networks like Google Scholar, LinkedIn,, ResearchGate, Twitter, and any other personal, professional or academic websitea link to the published version on the publisher’s website:

Authors should preferably give a link to the published version on the JSMC website:

 “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in the Journal of Saidu Medical College [Year, Volume number, Issue Number]. The final authenticated version is available online at:[insert DOI]”.

National Archiving Policy 

The process of long term archiving with a national archiving agency, i-e; Pakistan Scientic and Technology Information Centre (PASTIC) is under process.