Association between H Pylori and Hyperemesis Gravidarum: A Cross Sectional Study


  • Jibran Umar Ayub Ghandara University Peshawar
  • Ayesha Qaisar Khyber Medical College Peshawar
  • Azhar Zahir Shah Khyber Girls Medical Colleg Peshawar
  • Said Amin Khyber Girls Medical Colleg Peshawar
  • Humera Fayaz Kabir Medical College, Peshawar
  • Umar Ayub Khan Khyber Medical College Peshawar



Background: Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), is a condition that is classically manifested by severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and affects women in the first trimester. If left untreated it can lead to a large number of complications both for the mother and the foetus.
Objective: To determine the relationship between Helicobacter Pylori induced infection and hyperemesis gravidarum.
Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at MMC General Hospital Peshawar from 1st Jan 2021 till 30thJune 2021.The sampling technique was non-probability convenient sampling. The inclusion criteria were pregnant women in first trimester aged between18 and 45 years. Patients with molar pregnancy and those having history of gastrointestinal disorders were excluded from the study. A total of 100 patients were taken with 50 fulfilling the criteria for hyperemesis gravidarum and50 normal pregnant women taken controls. A well-informed consent was taken from all the participants and H Pylori test was done by stool antigen. The frequency of H-Pylori was compared in both the groups with Chi Square test. The odds ratio was calculated to see the risk of H-Pylori infection among cases as that of controls. Odds ration >1 and p-value <0.05 was considered significant
Results: Mean age of women with and without Hyperemesis Gravidarum was 30.80±5.28 and 30.92±5.25 years respectively. Mean weight of these women was 59.52±9.06 and 60.42±7.40 kg. Mean gestational age of women with and without Hyperemesis Gravidarum was 13.36±3.95 and 13.56±3.18 weeks respectively. The frequency of H-Pylori infection was significantly higher among cases as compared to controls. i.e. Cases: 78% vs. Controls: 32%, p-value<0.001. The risk of H-Pylori infection increases 7.53 times higher among women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum than those without it
Conclusion: This study proved that there was positive correlation between H pylori and hyper emesis gravidarum patients.
Keywords: Helicobacter Pylori Infection, Hyperemesis

Author Biography

Humera Fayaz, Kabir Medical College, Peshawar



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How to Cite

Jibran Umar Ayub, Qaisar A, Azhar Zahir Shah, Said Amin, Humera Fayaz, Umar Ayub Khan. Association between H Pylori and Hyperemesis Gravidarum: A Cross Sectional Study. J Saidu Med Coll Swat [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];13(2):67-71. Available from:

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